This text is a summary of your main rights as an investor or potential investor in our funds in accordance with the European Regulation on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings (Regulation (EU) 2019/1156). It is not intended to fully describe all your rights in this regard.
Please refer to the relevant fund prospectuses for more details on how they operate.

  • Right to participate in fund investments - Units entitle unitholders to proportionally participate in the profits and losses of the fund, subject to any difference between the conditions/characteristics applicable to the different unit classes. Full details of the investment objective and policy of each UCI and the characteristics of the unit are set out in the Prospectus of each fund.
  • Right to receive income - Each unitholder is entitled to a proportionate share of the income (if any) of the fund in which they have invested. Depending on the type of the units held by the unitholder, such income may either be accumulated or distributed as income in accordance with the terms of the Prospectus.
  • Right to redeem units - Each unitholder has the right to request to redeem their units under the conditions described in the fund's prospectus and provided that all documents necessary to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations relating to the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing have been provided.
  • Voting rights and the right to attend general meetings - Where the Fund legally constitutes a company , each shareholder of this Fund has the right to receive a notice, to attend in person or by proxy and to vote at the general meeting unless the shareholder has elected to invest in shares that do not carry voting rights.
  • Right to receive information - Each unitholder has the right to receive certain elements of information about the fund in which they have invested. This information includes the fund's legal documentation (KIID, prospectus, regulations) the fund reports (semi-annual, annual and, where applicable, quarterly), as well as additional data available upon request. Legal documentation, reports and factsheets are available on Crédit Mutuel Asset Management's website:
  • Right to data confidentiality - Subject to applicable law, investors may benefit from rights concerning their personal data, including a right of access to and rectification of their personal data and, in certain circumstances, a right to object to the processing of their personal data. The data privacy policy is available in the folowing link: Right to data confidentiality
  • Handling of complaints - Each investor who is not satisfied can contact the management company. The terms and conditions are described in the following link: Handling of complaints

Investors also have the right to take legal or out of court action at any time or to submit a request for out of court settlement of a complaint to the relevant local supervisory authority. If you are resident in one of the countries of the European Union, the European online dispute resolution platform allows you to submit a complaint form and informs you, depending on your jurisdiction, of your remedies:

This summary of the main rights is not intended and does not purport to be exhaustive and investors should consult the Prospectus in its entirety and their investment advisers to better understand their rights.